Hello! If you don’t know me already, I’m Chrissy Dee.
I am a former systems engineer turned intuitive business coach. What a shift… I know! After two major spiritual awakenings in my life, I became fascinated by all things personal and spiritual development, including getting YTT certified in Costa Rica! I also became more and more comfortable following my heart and intuition, even when the guidance didn’t make sense “on paper” and felt risky AF.
This led me on a soul-stretching adventure of my own empowerment and growth… and soon enough I was introduced to coaching (when I hired someone to help me grow my yoga business at the time) and I knew it would become a life-long passion and profession for myself as well.
I started my coaching business Chrissy Dee LLC in July 2019 and, after four months of supporting my first client to gain clarity, feel empowered, and even sign on her own first big client as a spiritual life coach, I was positively HOOKED!
A very long long loooong story short, I’ve been running my business full-time since September 2020 helping lightworkers and mystics like YOU to build a thriving career bringing your spiritual passions, practices, guidance, and tools to this awakening world.
Can't wait to get started!
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